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Added: Feb 7th, 2024
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The cryptocurrency market has reached unprecedented proportions in recent years. The financial breakthrough of the 21st century has brought mankind to a new stage of development and, accordingly, high competition in the technology and research market. Since 2021 Rotor Finance has been actively engaged in trust management in Central and Eastern Europe and now worldwide! This experience has been the basis for the development and understanding of Rotor Finance's future tradingstrategy.Having received high profit percentages and feedback from participants, the company entered theInternet space with the idea to give people a unique opportunity to increase their funds on the services we offer,such as spot trading, trading of open-ended contracts (derivatives), inverse trading, margin trading, in order toearn on our platform you do not need to understand the principles of the exchange, as trust management directlyimplies that your funds will be managed by experienced traders of Rotor Finance.
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